M&D truthtelling, history & I.F. Stone(WAS Publisher's Weekly (fwd)

Peter Giordano Peter.Giordano at williams.edu
Fri Aug 15 07:47:08 CDT 1997

Sojouner says:
>No.  The question is misleading.  TV is comprised of noise, and reading
>induces serenity, even during provocative literature.  Reading brings
>the mind and body into a state of peace, the body resting while the mind
>feeds on its purest foodstuff.  TV agitates the senses, stimulating you
>artificially, deadening your mind.
I say:
I don't watch a heck of a lot of tv beyond THE SIMPSONS and vintage movies
but I find the above to be misleading - There is plenty of literature (as
in reading) which "...agitates the senses, stimulating you
artificially, deadening your mind."  And there is televisin which allows
the mind to feed "... on its purest foodstuff" - Like the version of HAMLET
with Kevin Kline a few years back

Peter Giordano
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

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