M&D truthtelling, history & I.F. Stone(WAS Publisher's Weekly (fwd)

Peter Giordano Peter.Giordano at williams.edu
Fri Aug 15 08:01:15 CDT 1997

I said:
>>I don't watch a heck of a lot of tv beyond THE SIMPSONS and vintage movies
>>but I find the above to be misleading - There is plenty of literature (as
>>in reading) which "...agitates the senses, stimulating you
>>artificially, deadening your mind."  And there is televisin which allows
>>the mind to feed "... on its purest foodstuff" - Like the version of HAMLET
>>with Kevin Kline a few years back
He said:
>I'm far too biased to agree with you.  Provocative literature is like
>a spicy meal, it gets your system jumping but its still nutrition.  All
>TV to me is about as filling and salubrious as the electrons it uses to
>stimulate the phosphorous to make its images.
>Movies are far worse of course, as they encapsulate you within their
>plastic womb for 2+ hours without break or cessation.
I say:
Well, maybe you should spend the next couple of weeks reading the collected
works of Dianelle Steele - But from what you describe your are enamoured
(sp) with the physiology of reading as much as the content (which is fine
with me - I love to hold a book in my hands)

To relate this to Pynchon - How could one "get" GRAVITY'S RAINBOW without
at least a passing experience with the films of the Marx Bros, CITIZEN
KANE, or the work of Fritz Lang?

Peter Giordano
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

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