M&D truthtelling, history & I.F. Stone(WAS Publisher's Weekly (fwd)

slothrop slothrop at mailexcite.com
Fri Aug 15 13:22:08 CDT 1997

Mardi Gras!
And didn't early Greek theater include participatory ritual/celebration?
TV viewing passive? All that remote clicking and talking back to the screen...
Oedipa making love with the child movie star and watching TV in Crying of Lot 49...

> Along those lines, then the only "good" art form would be one like the
>religious pageants still seen in RC/etc countries where everyone
>participates out of religious (or other) obligation. I've been to
>such fiestas in Mexico where a whole city (or most of it) is 
>divided up into Moors, Christians, Romans, Indios, Turks, etc. This
>was a multi-celebratory thang, celebrating the Beheading of Juan 
>Bautista AND (!!) the Battle of Lepanto. Foax running around with
>black-powder zipguns, blood streaming from their ears from explosions
>and all in full costume for this extravaganza.
>A hell of a lot of fun, though.
>tejas at infi.net
>           "Eat some blackeyed peas and fried banana,
>            smoke me a seegar from Havana,
>            I'll be the King of Louisiana"   
>                             (It's gonna be) PAYDAY  Porter Wagoner

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