M&D truthtelling, history & I.F. Stone(WAS Publisher'sWeekly (fwd)

davemarc davemarc at panix.com
Fri Aug 15 19:20:04 CDT 1997

> From: Kim L. Serkes <kls at newmediacenters.org>
> That was, indeed the "genius" of I.F. Stone. He practiced journalism with
> precisely that method; arriving at the truth by ignoring the
> neatly-packaged lies. He work during the Vietnam war was essential to
> of use who were resisting. When the New York Times and Washington Post
> where happily swallowing sugar-coated guano at lunch with "authoritative"
> government sources, Stone was digging through "boring" Pentagon
> requisitions and accounts.
> His book on the trial of Socrates provides more insight into that episode
> in Greek history than a shelf-full of treatises by the "experts."
> Pynchon, I believe, tells us the truth by telling us his vision of what
> happening "on the ground."
A-and didn't I.F. Stone appear on The Dick Cavett Show.  Too bad it's 

1) a television show 
2) preserved in a motion picture format  
3) a series that included an hour-long interview with Groucho Marx

If Sojourner wants to know about the appearance, we'll have to write about
it in some kind of Borgesian language.  We could describe how Georgia's
Lester Maddox walked off after some hassling over his racism.  Perhaps if
more people like Sojourner had watched that kind of show, it wouldn't have
gone off the air after a few years.

And just the other night RUTHSINGS and I took a break from poring over our
Wrestling Mags and Harlequin romances to channel-hop with Idiot's Delight
playing on the radio--media heaven!


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