Pynchon genius (let's try it again)

gravity gravity at
Thu Aug 28 12:59:03 CDT 1997

"Genius" is a person, IMHO as evidenced by their best. Kinda 
suprised, Greg, by your quantity test. Are there unpublished 
geniuses, some perhaps even more private than TRP? Sure it's 
disappointing when someone whose work we admire never gives us 
anything as admirable as that work, or when an otherwise brilliant 
person is generally unproductive, but I find the art as capital idea 
very unpleansant. It's little better than "What kinda work do ya do? 
How much @&#$% did you make last year?"

On 28 Aug 97 at 9:04, Greg Montalbano <greg.montalbano at> 
> I think it eventually comes down to CONSISTENCY.  Some folks are
> lucky enough (or talented enough) to come out with a first novel
> that KILLS. (William Gibson comes to mind, here).  The test or
> measure of genius comes with the second, third, nth novels ... do
> they maintain, extend, transend the original level of excellence?  

Henry Musikar
Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What, me worry? -- A. E. Newman

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