Starbucks (sucks) and Blockbuster

Thu Jan 9 09:47:35 CST 1997

John Mascaro breaks the bad news about Starbucks:

>  I notice here in L.A. they try to get themselves located as close as they can to  
> another wonderful corporate engine--Blockbuster video.  Waddya all think of that 
> enterprise?  Don't they make a swell pair?

Oh dear. Just when I began to suspect we were free from this brand of 
US economic imperialism here in Sunny South Africa, I realise that we've 
already got two tentacles of the octopus: Blockbuster Video, which 
locates itself alongside Steers, a burger-and-fries takeout 
establishment, both owned by the same multinational... Presumably 
Starbucks is next in line. Wow, can't wait for the potable water and 
primary health care to come flooding in from the US of A  with the 
same enthusiasm as trash videos and bad burgers have come...

BTW if any foax out there find themselves here in Durban, South 
Africa, there's great coffee to be had at the BBC Coffee Shop in 
Davenport Centre. Better'n the place where we had lunch, HAG.

Craig Clark

"Living inside the system is like driving across
 the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
 on suicide."
   - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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