Sad songs

Paul DiFilippo ac038 at
Sun Jan 12 10:31:55 CST 1997

It is a curiousity of rock music (and probably other popular
forms such as the blues) that a lyrically mordant or despairing
song will frequently be set to a rollicking beat (as counterweight
or yin-yang balance?).  Consider Springsteen's "Hungry Heart".  A
bleak picture of human relations as you'll find, yet backed by 
a relatively gleeful sonic barrage.  Kinda laughing thru yer tears
effect, which seems to me a much more appealing viewpoint than
his recent songs which are dirgelike in both music and lyrics.

Paul Di Filippo&Deborah Newton/2 Poplar/Providence, RI 02906
Dada Charity:  "Clothe the hungry and feed the naked."
Capitalist Charity:  "Give the hungry clothes, the naked food,
and let them create a market economy."

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