Crying: I can do that

David Casseres casseres at
Mon Jan 13 13:37:37 CST 1997

Diana sez

>... I'll also admit choking
>up  every time I read Wordsworth's Immortality Ode, but even those people
>I'm closest to think this makes me quite the sap....

If you can 'fess up to that one I'll mention Tennyson's _In Memoriam_.  
It's very different from most of Tennyson's work, speaks purely and 
directly from the heart, and made me feel the deep sadness of that weird 
and unattractive man at losing one of his few real friends.

It's also technically brilliant, and it's fascinating for anyone who 
doesn't read a lot of Victorian poetry because it's full of lines and 
phrases that we've all heard and used all of our lives, but that never 
existed in the English language until Tennyson wrote them.


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