crying and frying

j minnich plachazu at
Sat Jan 18 22:32:36 CST 1997

>To: pynchon-l at
>From: plachazu at (j minnich)
>Subject: Re: crying and frying
>>I'm planning a seminar next term on death, mourning and suicide in
>>literature.  Someone mentioned Werther--any other suggestions?  I
>>thought maybe Hamlet and Gerald's Party, inter alia. I'm not limited by
>>genre, period or geography.  Diana 

A discussion in a San Francisco brewpub this afternoon reminded me of my
favorite obscure poem about mourning and death.  It's William Everson's
longish memorial poem for the death of Robinson Jeffers, titled "The Poet Is
Dead."  Everson himself died a coupla years ago after a long, "interesting"
life here in California.  His poem might be just right for that seminar.  
                            -j minnich
"If a drunkard in a sober fit is the dullest of mortals, an enthusiast in a
reason-fit is not the most lively."   
      -H. Melville, _The Confidence Man_

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