Re Sexual descriptions

Wed Jan 22 03:13:00 CST 1997

The current thread on pornography and literature brings to mind another
Hustler connection. An Afrikaans version of Hustler has been available
in South Africa for the past two years. Its first editor was Ryk
Hattingh, a well-known Afrikaans author who has never made any
concessions to popular taste, and the current editor, Michael Green, is
also a literary minded writer, albeit one with an extremely anarchic
bent. (He publishes his serious stuff under the pseudonymn R.R. Ryger.)
Hattingh's most famous moment as editor of the Afrikaans Hustler (it
goes under the name Loslyf, which means "loose body") was to have a
somewhat overweight woman bare all next to the Voortrekker monument in
Pretoria, one of the great symbols  of Afrikaans prudishness. He then
went a step further in the captions by describing the woman in terms of
quotations from a poem by the terribly Calvinist Afrikaans poet, Totius.
A lot of Afrikaners were outraged, and the schoolkids had fun.

Now let's get back to Pynchon:  does anyone know what exactly befell M &
D in Cape Town in 1760?

Kerneels Breytenbach

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