Personal Scatologies

Paul Mackin mackin at
Fri Jan 31 08:42:41 CST 1997

How could the compendium of LitCriters have omitted  Hag, and Eric too
over in that London? Even have one of Hag's PoMo papers.

Astute Pynchon critics among us NOT doing it for money are too
numerous to single out.

By the way, I, too have dipped into Fredric Jameson, as a curious
bystander, but could never go head-to-head with Steely.


> From: Craig Clark <CLARK at SHEPFS2.UND.AC.ZA>
> To: pynchon-l at
> Subject: Re: Re[2]: Personal Scatologies
> Date: Friday, January 31, 1997 3:46 AM
> Paul Mackin <mackin at> writes
> > Doesn't seem to me there are many people on the list involved primarily
> > in LitCrit or related.  For a long time I was only aware of Don, Heikki,
> > and Bonnie as ones who ever posted much. Then along came Craig,
> > John, Diana.  
> If that's me you're talking about, I have a LitCrit training, but 
> I've been doing development-related research since 1989 (and think 
> it's time I quit). HAG is a LitCritter, though... Say, HAG ole buddy, 
> you been mighty quiet of late. What's up?
> Craig Clark
> "Living inside the system is like driving across
>  the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
>  on suicide."
>    - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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