Glass (H)armonica

Matthew P Wiener weemba at
Tue Jul 1 09:31:49 CDT 1997

>Saturday's concert touched on chamber works, beginning with an
>oddity, the Adagio and Rondo in C Minor for glass harmonia, flute,
>oboe, viola and cello, K. 617. The glass harmonica--water filled
>cognac glasses played by rubbing a moistened finger around the
>rim--produces weird, otherworldly sounds, [...]

If you have never heard a glass harmonica, then *go*.  I was lucky--
out in Berkeley, there was a fellow who played one, rather well I
thought to my unmusical ear, on Sproul Plaza every so often.  You
had to listen very carefully.  The only bit I remember was the theme
from "Chariots of Fire".  Astonishing enough music to begin with,
made even more so by the glass harmonica.
-Matthew P Wiener (weemba at

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