predestination & the preterite

Jules Siegel jsiegel at
Wed Jul 9 20:35:22 CDT 1997

At 05:40 PM 07/9/97 -0400, Joaquin Stick <dmaus at> wrote:

>The best treatment of this topic was in a book called _The Gnostic
>Pynchon_ written (I think) by Dwight Eddins (it's been a year or two since
>I used it for a paper). Really interesting, although occasionally
>stretched, attempt to tie gnosticism at TRP together.

I have been reading this avidly. One/some of the people who had a
get-together with Chrissie and Faera in New York gave this book and the
Elaine Pagels to Faera to bring to me. The combination of the two works is
just dynamite. I was able to read Pagels easily in a few sittings, but
Eddins is so tight that my mind literally reels off into the ozone every
page or so. Really nice man, too. I wrote to him about what I perceived to
be a slighting remark about Playboy's scholarship and he wrote me a charming
and tactful explanation.

--Jules Siegel Apdo 1764 Cancun QR 77501

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