More Koanstuff and A Modest Proposal (was Koan Answer)

ckaratnytsky ckaratnytsky at
Fri Jul 11 16:29:28 CDT 1997

     Rick plots us a course for a Pynchonian thought-map:
     >The idea was more of a thought-problem: were there such a map, what 
     >would it look like?
     It would look like the heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue 
     I wax Joyecean, but I what I mean to say is, aw, forget it.  Can't be 
     done.  Too much stuff up there, Rick.
     Calling upon my fellow information engineers to support me, I will 
     venture to add that the Dewey Decimal system (which I haven't even 
     *seen*, let alone used, since dread Library School) is a scheme of 
     classification, not a knowledge map, if I understand what you want 
     I think what we want is the Grand, Unifying Reader's Encyclopedia of 
     Pynchon.  Anyone want to hire me to put it together?
     Seriously, though, don't forget about the good work Tim Ware does on 
     the HyperArts page.  That is, at the very least, a *start* to a 
     knowledge map, and certainly much more.  The various companions and so 
     on should also be included in this category of concordances.
     But, yes, I understand that we want some sort of Periodic Table of 
     Pynchon, the very model of a modern major cat-a-log. 

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