Almost done with M&D

andrew at andrew at
Mon Jul 14 15:29:00 CDT 1997

R. ed Bug writes:
> Responding to Joe's disappointment, I have to say that I enjoyed M&D
> *much* more the second time. Give it time.

I agree. I think it bears close and repeated scrutiny. And, like
Vineland, it is easy to miss the quality of the writing, particularly
when, as is the case with M&D, there is a natural imperative to
scramble towards the end of that line.

In particular, my favourite experience so far has been inhabiting the
thoughts of two such well-developed characters at such length.
Repeatedly, we are presented with scenes which render the details of
their interactions, intentions, misunderstandings, insights and
illusions, trust and deception (mutual and self), with a clarity and a
faithfulness to human nature which is astounding.

Also, like Chris, I love the songs, not to mention Timothy Tox.
Brilliantly penned puns, rigourously rhythmical rhyming, yet still
managing either to move the narrative forward or cast a critical
glance over the current scene, thereby unburdening the narrator of an
otherwise onerous and officious duty. Ditto for the framing device.

Andrew Dinn
We drank the blood of our enemies.
The blood of our friends, we cherished.

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