NP Neo-Nazis on the Net

davemarc davemarc at
Mon Jul 14 17:58:18 CDT 1997

> From: Paul Murphy <paul.murphy at>
> Alan Westrope volunteers:
> >On Sat, 12 Jul 1997, "davemarc" <davemarc at> wrote:
> >
> >>An interesting "response" to the Netzis can be found on the Web-based
> >>Nizkor Project.  Don't have the URL handy, but a search for "Nizkor"
> >>do the trick.
> >
> >Yes, a very good site -- I don't have a URL either, but links to Nizkor
> >and the Simon Wiesenthal Center have thoughtfully been provided by the
> >foax who maintain the Zundel site [URL censored by Statist imams]
> Nothing about the Zuendelsite is thoughtful. The links are there to lend
> aura of legitimacy and reasonableness to hatred and extremist agitation.
Not exactly.  First, the Zundelsite is thoughtful in the sense that it's
very carefully calculated and well thought out as...propaganda.  

Also, the Nizkor people make it their practice to ask folks like Zundel to
post links; Nizkor itself posts links to sites like Zundel's.  It's less an
attempt at legitimizing than at acknowledging that there's something
representing a dialectic at work here, that there's a willingness to let
one's ideas stand up next to another's.  I think that that's a worthy
approach to the issue of free speech on the Net--to actually nudge people
to check out contrary points of view on inflammatory, polarizing issues.

I can think of at least one case I've seen, however, where the posting of
links on a
website appears to comprise more of a feeble, gratuitous attempt to look
"legitimate."  But in that case, it's pretty transparent and ineffectual. 
At least it is to me. 


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