Rilke, Pynchon, Kleist

Vaska vaska at
Sat Jul 26 14:12:06 CDT 1997

Heikki, I have to leave out just about everything from your long and complex
post on this topic [thanks, it was fascinating to read], since I have only
one question/suggestion to make: would you go to link this thematic to
_Vineland_, too, where DL functions very much like one of the Kleistian
puppets you mention here?  As does Frenesi, of course, but a little less
obviously perhaps.

Heikki wrote:
>It is interesting that Pynchon's characters have so often been 
>compared to puppets. But they are, most obviously, not capable 
>of that pure material immanence of Kleist's and Rilke's puppets; 
>instead they keep reflecting paranoiacally on the question of 
>their secret mover(s). Slothrop's penis may be a conditioned 
>puppet, too, but what exactly is behind its performances, never 
>becomes clear. Suffice it to say that it seems to be loaded with 
>sinister connections and phallogocentric heritages, which make the 
>pure present impossible. Neither the zero of the puppet or the one 
>of the angel are to be reached in GR. But there still may be moments 
>of "physical grace", whatever they are.
>Back to the M&D thread: such blind, remorseless, unexplainable Beings 
>must be all the more baffling to Mason since he's a Deist, believer in
>immanent G-d.
>5271 Hester Rd apt.4
>Oxford, OH 45056
>tel (513)524-3310

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