Re []: chaos theory for lay people?

Mon Jul 28 17:43:19 CDT 1997

I don't know what the fuck is going on on the list.  I don't know if it's
 worth bothering to spend hours scrolling through insane/inane messages. 
 So much wasted beauty?  Who said that and ain't it the truth.  Can't even
 keep up with the war-threads let alone the Pynchon ones.  On this chaos
 thing, did no one mention the explicit passage where the fish jumping
 somewhere upstream causes all sorts of cascading effects up to deluge or
 something?  Bad memory as to specifics but it's an unmistakeable *butterfly
 wing flapping* analogy.  Can't even remember the page cuz it's too much
 bloomin buzzin confusion around here.  That's one explicit--fairly 
explicit--reference to chaos as it's usually explained at least w/ respect
 to the *small causes/huge effects* aspects of it.  I seem to recall a couple of
 others, but will need to check the book.

I am betting things will soon calm down, and all the cool beauty of this list will 
blossom back in fragrant remembrance.  There will be wit and humor
 a-plenty.  Some flirting between boys and boys or girls and girls and
 maybe boys and girls.  Somebody will make a great pun.  People will
 arrange get-togethers, talk about conferences . . . 

Then, then, then Cancun comes calling again, and all bets are off . . . 

john m

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