GR Part I and Tarot (was: M&D pg.773)

Alan Westrope awestrop at
Sun Jun 1 21:35:10 CDT 1997

On Thu, 29 May 97, andrew at wrote:

>But whilst on the subject does has anyone ever tried to account for
>Gravity's Rainbow's having 22 sections in part 1 by referring them to
>the Major Arcana? For example, could the opening section correspond to
>The Fool, first card in the pack and, at least when on his feet, meant
>to indicate freshness and new beginnings. Any Gnostics out there with
>an opinion on the matter?

I have my doubts, because (as discussed here recently, in a thread
culminating with Monte Davis' great a-moire pun :-) GR originally
weighed in at ~2000 pages, was trimmed to ~1200 in the initial
editing, and was published with 760.  I think it's unlikely (albeit
possible) that the number of sections stayed constant during that time.

A-And Andrew, far more learned than I in Sums, persists in finding 22
sections, while my copy has only 21.  One of us clearly has a variorum
edition from Zapf's Used Books...:-)

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