Quotients Divisors Modulae

Peter Petto ppetto at apk.net
Sun Jun 1 22:57:16 CDT 1997

At 09:01 AM 6/2/97 -0400, Jeremy Osner wrote:

>Can anyone make sense of this numerological coincidence?
>Part I of M&D ends on page 253.	253 = 11 * 23 (both prime)
>Part II of M&D ends on page 713.	713 = 31 * 23 (both prime)
>Part III of M&D ends on page 773.	773 is itself prime

FWIW, 23 is a BIG number in the writings of William S. Burroughs. Whenever
he gets the chance, it's 23. I don't remember why (or remember if I ever

Peter Petto         |       ppetto at apk.net
Bay Village, Ohio   |   PGP public key available

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