
Origenes at Origenes at
Mon Jun 2 10:56:20 CDT 1997

In a message dated 97-06-02 11:41:32 EDT, you write:

 > And this is just a shadow of the great scene in Catch-22 where Yossarian
is trying to explain that "they" are trying to kill him.  When asked who
"they" are, he says, "The people trying to kill me."  Those people including
the anti-aircraft gunners and 
 army brass.  My paraphrase here doesn't do it justice.
 Or the scene in THE WILD BUNCH where Lyle & Tector Gorch marvel at
 the "bags of silver rings" which turn out to be washers planted by
 the railroad posse... the old coot played by Edmond O'Brien
 tells 'em who "they" are.

Just saw "Unstrung Heroes", a syrupy-sweet film with Michael Richards
(Kramer) playing a comical paranoid. He commits himself to a sanitarium when
his nephew plays a joke on him by giving him a typed letter saying, "Game
Over. You Lose.  (signed) Them. Though not as cool as the films already
mentioned it's still pretty enjoyable.

Dominguin Meuse

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