Quotients Divisors Modulae

C. Endicott cendicot at u.washington.edu
Mon Jun 2 17:56:25 CDT 1997

On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Stefan Schuber wrote:

> To clarify my earlier post: I just have a very hard time taking much of 
> _Illuminatus_ seriously, and even so I had the distinct feeling that I 
> finished the book taking it much more seriously than the authors did.

The bit about the card with "The Enemy is everywhere" on one side and
"There is no enemy anywhere" on the other always seemed Pynchonian to me,
tho in an admittedly heavy-handed way. RAW insists any similarities
between Illuminatus and Pynchon's stuff is purely... *coincidental*. Of


Dogs Flew Spaceships!
The Aztecs Invented the Vacation!
Our Forefathers Took Drugs!
Men and Women are the Same Sex!
Your Brain is Not the Boss!
Yes! That's Right!
Everything You Know is Wrong!
     - FST

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