Blankets(M&D spoiler)

andrew at andrew at
Wed Jun 4 13:30:00 CDT 1997

Dennis Jones writes:
>         ++ M&D spolier  p307++
[re: My Country, 'Tis of thy People you're Dying]

> Sorry I only have this on an old compilation tape so have no idea of record 
> label,date etc. but you really have to hear it to appreciate the passion of 
> its delivery.

Cannot provide any further background except I recall hearing the song
in the early 70s, 72 or 73, and it is stunning, her voice full of
emotion, anger and disgust. Ditto for her Soldier Blue which was used
in the film of the same name. The film was made in 1970 and I think My
Country, 'Tis of thy People you're Dying might well be contemporary.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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