Failed punctuation

SHUBHA GHOSH sghosh at
Wed Jun 4 11:30:46 CDT 1997

On Wed, 4 Jun 1997 LARSSON at VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU wrote:

> Paul De Filippo notes:
> "I always hoped the "interrobang" would catch on, a fusion
> of exclamation point and question mark.  Also, consider the
> Tibetan "terma", three dots arranged in a mini-pyramid,
> signalling that text preceding is holy.  Should TRP use this!?"
> That three-dot triangle is also a mathematical symbol whose use escapes
> my decaffeinated brain just now.

It means "therefore."

> I was always fond of the "pronequark," which was proposed about the same
> time as the interrobang--a questionmark on its side, signifying a
> rhetorical statement, eg. "Does anyone really care what reviewers think
> of M&D [question mark on side]"
> Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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