a little something on the Salinger Mailing List

Michael D. Benedetti benedett at bluestone.COM
Thu Jun 5 10:54:46 CDT 1997

At 08:33 AM 6/5/97 -0700, Greg Montalbano wrote:
>Well, don't YOU get so caught up in your little crypto-fascist reationary
>self-with-both-of-them" captialist world that you forget that most people
>don't "read" the holly babble -- they consult it, like an oracle.

Oh, don't let's get started on the meaning of "read"...

Many Christians have this weird belief that what's in the Bible is
"true", just as many PLers have this weird belief that every detail
in Tom's books will yield bountiful seed, if only we fuss over each
detail long enough.

Seems to me that you can get bountiful seed out of anything if you
wank with it long enough. But I'll never understand how y'all keep
getting the Vaseline confused with your prostate...two different
things, in my experience.

But hey, let's not get into that again. Let's have a thousand more posts
about the ampersand on the cover of M&D, and no more about that silly
"plot" or the even sillier "characters" or "themes". The trees are
so much less difficult than the forest, eh?

Mike, who "uses" texts, if sometimes in ways prohibited by law

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