MDMD(0): Protocols

andrew at andrew at
Fri Jun 6 11:17:00 CDT 1997


Discussion of the first section of M&D is due to start today, covering
chpaters 1 to 4. So, I hope you have all done your homework and have
lots of ideas to contribute to the discussion.

I am going to post four more notes, containing a plot summary,
detailed notes, questions and commentary. The plot summary is so
everyone knows what is going on. If I have got anything wrong or
missed an important detail let me know. The notes identify obscure
meanings, references and explain a few tricky points in the
narrative/plot but they remain at a low level of detail. The questions
are unresolved notes awaiting input from *you*. The commentary this
week is jsut a general overviw of what is going on and suggests some
themes you might like to reflect on and maybe use as the basis of

Each posting will be identified in the title by section (1 in this
case) and function (plot, notes etc). If you want to correct or amend
anything in these postings then it would probably be best to retain
the same info in the title. This should make it easier to locate
things later. If you just want to post something of your own or be
bloody-mi^H^H^H^H^H^H independent of spirit, well . . . roll your own
title, that's ok by me. Only please use the label MDMD(1) if you are
talking about section 1.

The notes have also been made available via my web space under the
resources section for the MDMD page. Go to URL

and at the bottom of the page you should find an entry for MDMD(0)
under the title Resources whic has links to each of the four

So, I hereby declare this ball rolling. To quote a famous reclusive

   Let's go!

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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