Where's Thomas?

Gary L. Thompson glt at tardis.svsu.edu
Fri Jun 6 06:43:07 CDT 1997

On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Henry Musikar wrote:

> I taped the CNN segment on Tommy, as I'm sure a lotta listers did. 
> Now all we need is one of those computers that Decker used to enhance 
> a photograph in Blade Runner. 
> Can you find Thomas?

I like this--literary version of Where's Waldo!

So far, several candidates mentioned. I assume that he's still fairly 
tall, right? And the _New York_ article w/ photo showed some longish 
hair. That would suggest the guy in the red jacket walking away from the 
camera (they didn't say they showed his face in the crowd, did they?). 

But I'm a little ashamed of my own curiosity here--don't like to be among 
the audience to whom CNN says, "should that control extend beyond the 
printed page?" It's as though they (or They) have an automatic right to 
poke into TRP's or anyone's business and confer on him Celebrity. I feel 
as though I'd just slowed down for a car wreck.

I'm also curious about their choice of on-camera critics--any insight on 

Gary Thompson

"No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up."
				--Lily Tomlin

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