Jules Siegel
jsiegel at
Fri Jun 6 21:53:10 CDT 1997
>On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Henry Musikar wrote:
>Is there any reason to believe that the U.S. government purposely spread
AIDS, particulary to non-caucasion society?
The idea that AIDS is an infectious disease is mostly a very shaky
hypothesis promoted by the Centers for Disease Control and the manufacturers
of the various noxious poisons used to treat it, some of which appear to
cause the very same symptoms as the sydrome itself.
>From what I've seen, AIDS is most likely just another classic immune system
failure like leukemia, caused by ferocious abuse of legal and illegal drugs,
repeated drug transfusions, and the effects of poverty, mainly malnutrition.
HIV is a symptom not a cause, just like thrush and pneumonia and so on. The
best evidence is that HIV is a rather harmless virus that causes a flu-like
reaction lasting for two weeks to up to three months. It's very difficult to
transmit and very little HIV is actually ever found in AIDS victims. They
identify it by its anti-bodies. So little HIV is ever found in the semen of
known infected victims that it's not clear how they could infect anyone else.
This is the only virus that is said to continue to kill and infect even when
it is no longer present in the body and immunity has been established, as
evidenced by the anti-bodies. This just doesn't make any sense at all.
I don't want to burden the list with this discussion, but if anyone is
interested in reading my research on this, please apply for a private e-mail
response that will come with an attached document, "Sex, Lies & HIV." Please
state your format preference:
Word for PC or Mac, WordPerfect for PC, or ASCII.
I think that people on the list will not be interested in a uninformed flame
war on this subject and I will personally appreciate some restraint. It's a
highly politicized subject and most of what you think you know is probably
the result of someone's very effective propaganda. I cover almost all the
significant points in my article. Please read it first before getting angry.
--Jules Siegel Apdo 1764 Cancun QR 77501
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