Mason & Dixon (some thoughts on its difficulty)

Joel Weierman joel at
Sat Jun 7 01:38:50 CDT 1997

This could contain spoilers, so beware:

A couple months back I posted to the group to express
how difficult I felt it to get through GR. I received
quite a few responses some telling me to hang in there,
others saying "don't look for sympathy on pynchon-l"

Now that I have relatively sailed through the first 200
pages of Mason & Dixon, I can say, for me, its been 
a much easier read than GR. First off, the narrative, 
apart from some brief interruptions by the storyteller,
Wicks, flows along (at least seemingly) in quite a linear
fashion. GR's narrative on the other hand, was seemingly
non-existent, jumping from prison's, to back-alleys, 
to deserted beaches. I couldn't figure out (excuse me)

Mason & Dixon definetley deserves a second (third?)
reading, since I know I am skipping over a lot of the 
subtelties (sp?) to try and keep up with the overall


I did quite enjoy the cheese-rolling. What a romp! 
And even more interested to see that it actually
exists even today. What a trip!

His description of bread can't be beat. It's writing
like that which makes TRP one of the best writer's 
out there (IMHO).

-Joel Weierman
joel at

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