Jules Siegel
jsiegel at
Sat Jun 7 09:16:07 CDT 1997
At 09:51 AM 06/7/97 -0400, jp4321 at IDT.NET (jporter) wrote:
>If any of you have HIV/AIDS, or have cared for hundreds of people with
>AIDS- confronted them, comforted them, befriended them, cleaned them up,
>sat with them and their families, helped them to decide whether or not to
>take a horribly inadequate stew of available pseudo cures, or watched
>helpless as they slowly got eaten away by their own "normal flora", and
>finally had to sign another death certificate- so many that the names all
>run together for me now, well then I'd be glad to have a conversation with
>you, more approporiately off list.
>Otherwise, whatever angst anyone else might be feeling over AIDS, or
>whatever interests one might have in publicizing the issues surrounding its
>horrors, from the individual virion to the epidemiological, I suggest that
>you make use of this forum politely and quickly, and point the follow-up
>discussion toward more appropriate forums which exist in numerous other
>locations around the net.
I said that I would not respond again on this subject to any message by
anyone who had not requested my article. Jody's anguished request does
deserve a reply. After this, I really think that we should respect her
heart-felt wishes and take this discussion off-list, especially if we are
going to see yet another torrent of ignorant and hostile opinions about this
horrible tragedy.
Jody, I really do appreciate the points you are making here and they are, in
fact, the reason that I've been trying since 1992 to get Playboy or any
other mainstream publication to publish the views of Peter Duesberg (who
discovered the class of viruses to which HIV belongs). I haven't cared for
any AIDS victims but I was overwhelmed with grief and frustration when I
received his first package of documentation on the subject. I was reminded
of how people might have felt knowing about the gas chambers before they
were publically revealed and I felt that I had to do something about it.
This came about as a result of a personal situation in which someone I loved
was told she might have AIDS when, in fact, she was suffering from malathion
I'm sorry if this upsets you. You are absolutely right. I just wanted to
make this statement endorsing yours to the full list as well as privately. I
personally feel that it would be better to have the conversation in public,
but since it's obvious it can't be civilized, why try?
--Jules Siegel Apdo 1764 Cancun QR 77501
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