Infection (No, not AIDS)

Tom Stanton tstanton at
Mon Jun 9 05:09:16 CDT 1997

At 11:36 AM 6/8/97 -0600, LARSSON at VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU wrote:
>Tom wonders:
>[slice!] If the Army was trying a primitive
>form of germ warfare they would've been flying blind.
>Even if germ theory had not been advanced and accepted, it has long been
>known that at least some kind of exposure to those with a disease and to
>the things they have worn, lived with, etc. could spread the disease as
>well. [snip]

Somehow I cannot imagine two Army seargents deciding that
blankets would be the delivery mechanism. It had to be one of
those accidents that become legend. Not to say the Army & our
government didn't work hard on other parts of this genocide ...

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