MDMD (1)--Names

Sojourner sojourner at
Mon Jun 9 14:01:13 CDT 1997

At 02:54 PM 6/9/97 -0400, Sherwood, Harrison wrote:
>>From: 	LARSSON at VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU
>>I thought about a *lamp* wick.  But, then, cherry Coke would hardly be 
>>expected to be a prime fuel, would it?
>>Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
>I thought the name was phallic.

Hmm... amazing what freudian, western minds will "alight" upon.

I rather take "Wicks" to mean the word "wick" itself as we know it.  Bearer
of light, or "enlightenment", as Wicks is the bearer of the story, and
enlightenment, as revealed to us by Mr. TRP.  The wick is but the twisted
strands of fiber which carry the fuel up to feed the flame, or light.
Paper is but the twisted, matted strands of fiber which bear the words (the
fuel) which lights the fire (what goes in in our tiny elitist brains as we
read).  Ergo, what better name for the purveyor of this tale but Wicks?

Phallic?  I don't see it.  The sexual tension between Wicks and M&D and all
other characters seems predominantly heterosexual.  Even the early
interaction between the characters shows very little animalistic fighting
for pecking order.  I would have to disagree on this point.

E'f'l's'ly Y'r's,

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