The good Rev.'s name

Paul Mackin mackin at
Mon Jun 9 21:44:05 CDT 1997

Gershom B. sez:

So, is Rv. Cola rilly a straw? Well, it could mean the story is hollow, or
maybe he wears pinstriped suits. O-or it could be that his top bends
around a-la those cute twisty straws from minute maid cardboard drink
containers. Ah memories...

>>>>This is not to say, is it, that the Revd. is simply a straw man?
If so, who knocks him down?

Or, on a somewhat similar track, can Wick be short for wicket?
He IS a wicket or opening or window through which the story
manifests itself. But if such is the case we must decide if it's
a good wicket or a bad wicket. Or possibly a sticky wicket.
That cherrycoke could dovetail nicely here.

Perhaps it's a bad wicket that we ever got on this subject.

Fun though.

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