AIDS & Conspiracy Stuff??

jester jester at
Wed Jun 11 03:09:07 CDT 1997


Very interesting piece, to say the least.  I've got to admit, some of it was
way above my head, though I was able to grasp much.  It's not too
far-fetched to suggest that the cumulative effects of exposure to all kinds
of artificial nastiness are the principal players in the errosion of the
body's ability to fend off disease of all sorts.  I must say I hesitate to
say that there is no HIV - AIDS connection, but I would confess that your
article does much to footnote, in the least, the "official" statements by
the CDC and Surgeon General among others.  I'd also have to admit that I
think I'll have to spend a good few hours pouring through the statistics and
references you make -- I'm sure it was NOT an easy task to correlate all of
that info -- in order to form a truly informed opinion on the subject,
suffice to say that your article does raise several questions, and does
suggest very real conspiracy, coverup and propoganda by the government,
medical establishment and the corporate infrastructure of the United States.
None of which is too outlandish to speculate.

I just wanted you to know that I was not opposed to what your article
suggests.  If anything, I welcome the fresh voice.  Like many "conspiracy
theories," which this may or not be characterized as, but which DOES appear
to be under the present staus quo, if 10 or even 5 PERCENT of what you've
written is true, then there is MUCH to worry about.  

Of course, there's much to worry about anyway, heh?  Unfortunately, I was
never part of the optimistic "we-can-make-a-difference" generation of the
60's, but was "educated"/conditioned through the 70's and the 80's -- then
self-reeducated in the late 80's/90's -- to be mostly cynical and if not
pessimistic, overtly melancholic.

To footnote this brief message, I don't think AIDS, per se, is a NEW
"disease," but a classification of something which has existed for a long
time -- though the current TREND does appear to be an amalgamation of an
increased biological entrophic response to exposure to abundant mutagenic
substances.  Something of this sort could very easily be said to be true
about that various CANCERS that are diagnosed -- something by which I have
personally been touched (my Mother, Brother-in-law and a best friend have
cancer).  Perhaps CANCER has been killing people for centuries, but is only
now, with modern technologies and classifications, being identified as a
specific set of diseases, or rather of rampant cell deterioration/mutation
resulting in imperfection and biological chaos.  

It DOES appear that CANCER, as a whole stratus of diseases, is increasing in
appearance.  Does that make CANCER communicable?  Perhaps.  Perhaps, as you
suggest, AIDS is another form of CANCER, the body's response to constant
exposure to these mutagens resulting in a depleted immune system.  I do
think it is a stretch to suggest that HIV is a symptom of AIDS -- does that
mean it is spontaneously generated by the body itself when the body develops
this immuno-deficiency syndrome??  Is such a thing possible? I'm not sure.

Well, sorry to take up so much of your time (and list bandwidth -- as I'm
forwarding this to the list).  I'm interested in hearing more from any
"experts" or people "in the know" out there.  But this is SCARY stuff, so
please tread lightly when replying...   :-)

JJ "Jester"

"There'll be the breaking of the ancient western code.
Your private life will suddenly explode.
There'll be phantoms, there'll be fires on the road,
and the white man dancing.                                  Jester at
Tou'll see your woman hanging upside down,
her features covered by her fallen gown,     
and all the lousy little poets coming round 
trying to sound like Charlie Manson...
[and the white man dancing...]" (Leonard Cohen, "The Future")

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