Haruki Murakami

Chris Sweet csweet at gte.net
Wed Jun 11 07:46:21 CDT 1997

Thomas Vieth wrote:
> Is everybody asleep? I just strolled through the Utne Cafe. They a
> Pynchon conference there to, but it was a sleeping beauty that I tried
> to wake up. While I scanned the old postings I came across the name of
> somebody who was claimed to be TRP-alike. The name is Haruki Murakami.
> Now, I've never heard or read that before. Mebbe someone on the list can
> fill me in or give an opinion as to that claim.

There is a blurb on the back of one (or more) of his books that
compares him to Pynchon but I really don't see too much of a 
comparison. He's a decent writer but I've never been bowled
over by his stuff. I've heard he's coming out with a 'big book'
later this year.


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