more pynchon on TV....

Chris Sweet csweet at
Wed Jun 11 07:51:51 CDT 1997

With all this talk about Pynchon on Laroquette and CNN
I had completely forgotten that Malcolm McDowell's
character on Pearl is named Pynchon. I don't find Pearl
particularly entertaining but I happened to catch a small
part of last weeks episode that was, at the very least,
great free advertising.

The plot line had to do with a ex-con who was "Pynchon's
Biggest Fan." One scene spoofed the scene in Cape Fear
when we see Deniro without his shirt on in his jail cell, 
covered with tatoos. This ex-con had a big "I Love Pynchon"
tatooed across his back.

Anyone have any Pynchon related tatoos? A muted post-horn on
your butt?


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