MD and GEB?

Thomas Vieth whoge at
Wed Jun 11 09:28:44 CDT 1997

Sometimes it's kinda hard to be ironic in this place. OF COURSE, Mu is 
not mentioned in the Pali Canon, how could it be. And I wasn't talking 
about "serious" books on Buddhism, either. I was talking about those New 
Agey type of stuff that borders on quack (sometimes without being it).

Schould anybody be interested: a good and really worthwhile introduction 
to Buddhism for Western people would be any book by Lama Govinda, 
especially when one is interested in the Tibetan variant. One great 
title that comes to mind is "The Way of the White Clouds" by that very 

Thomas Vieth
Down with Triolahidi
Long live Hollerodullyo

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