pynchon-l-digest V1 #638

Rick Vosper maxrad at
Thu Jun 12 00:07:08 CDT 1997

At 05:54 PM 6/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>That Robot Veg sez
>>On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, David Casseres wrote:
>>> Erik sez
>>> >And don't forget Hunter S. Thompson, to run the Bureau of Alcohol,
>>> >and Firearms
>>> and Leonard Peltier for Secretary of the Interior, and (yesss!) Ralph 
>>> Nader for Attorney General.
>>	yeah, yeah, yeah, but who gets the position where the power
>>*raelly* lies:  Press Sec?
>Oh, that's easy.  Hunter Thompson again!

Fun, but too easy. Lessee, if Thompson can't be both, why not keep him at
Press and have his old runnin' buddy. Ralph "Sonny" Barger for ATF. 

Now, who for Drug Czar? I'd volunteer myself, but suddenly I had this
Horrible Flashback...


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