
Henry Musikar gravity at
Thu Jun 12 21:52:35 CDT 1997

Like Anastasia, a pretender to the Pynch should at least know at 
least as much about him and his books as any of us.

On 13 Jun 97 at 0:35, Mike Weaver <pic at> wrote:

> Doug wrote:
> >I still don't understand how any of us can know for sure that it was really
> >Pynchon who called CNN (how did CNN identify him over the phone?)
> If you received an e-mail from someone saying they were TP how could
> you believe it? If someone walked up to you in the street and said
> "I'm Mittelwerk" how could you believe that?
> The Shadow knows.

Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What, me worry? -- A. E. Newman

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