Times article & photo, Franklin (B.)

Eric Alan Weinstein E.A.Weinstein at qmw.ac.uk
Sat Jun 14 16:16:06 CDT 1997

At 16:19 14/06/97 -0400, you wrote:
>davidTG writes:
>I have the article in front of me, it's called *Mystery Writer* (ugh).
>Surely it's a hoax.
Sadly, Not a Chance. That jerk stalked Pynch outside his son's
school just to get "us" a picture of TRP looking frightened
and annoyed. And  just to think I, in fact a number of P-listers
were nice to this chap, and unwittingly gave him a few Helpful

Friends, Heed My Wise Advise:
Confuse not Press Freedom with Tabloid Vice.
But ban neither.

 (And let us not mistake it---the good ol' London Times
under Mon Capitan Murdoch is  not worth wrapping fish

Reading the Guardian,

Eric Alan Weinstein
Centre For English Studies
University Of London
E.A.Weinstein at qmw.ac.uk 

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