dennis grace amazing at
Tue Jun 17 01:00:10 CDT 1997

Greetings, Pynchoniacs,

Recently, someone on this list commented on some aspect of a movie version
of Richard Farin~a's _Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me_.  The only
salient detail I recall is the claim that the late Raul Julia played Juan
Carlos Rosenbloom.  I'd like to see this film, but I can't find any such
critter in the movie catalogs in my fave artsy video store.  Was it released
under the same name as the novel?  Who played Gnossos?  Who directed?  When
was this film released?

Please please please oh please.
Thank you.

Dennis Grace
University of Texas at Austin
English Department
Recovering Medievalist

Things are more like they are today than they have ever been before.
                                                  --Dwight D. Eisenhower

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