ethics and the picture
john wells
jwells at
Sat Jun 21 23:45:25 CDT 1997
Doug Millison wrote:
> I'm sure that's one way to put it. I think I get the "hand-wringing" part,
> but perhaps John would explain how we're all "sissies", and what that
> means.
You're writing from "" and you don't know what
sissy means? I thought journalists kept dictionaries handy. However,
since you seem to be without your tools:
"sis-sy... n. pl.-sies U.S. Informal... 2. A coward or weakling.
--sis'sy-ish adj.*
Co. Chicago
copyright 1975, by Funk & Wagnalls Pub. Co. Inc. page 628, col.1,
14th definition.)
"coward...n... Sl.(slang) weak sister; sissy, etc..."*
*(THE SYNONYM FINDER, by J.I. Rodale, pub. by Warner Books, A
Warner Communications Co., Warner Books Edition, copyright
1978 by Rodale Press, Inc.
page 239, col. 1, 6th definition.)
So, there you have it. I meant "sissy" in the cowardly sense, a minor
cowardice to be sure, but to have all this hand-wringing over posting a
photo already published, well, PLEASE... lighten up.
Since you are writing from "" you should really
keep a good dictionary handy, almost any good sized one will do, but I
highly recommend "The Synonym Finder by Rodale, that's a really useful
reference book, it's easier to use than a Thesaurus and it's cheaper
than a dictionary.
Dandelion Press
The Weed in the Words:-)
> Knowing that Pynchon objects to being photographed, do we honor the wish of
> the artist we admire by refraining from disseminating the picture? I can
> understand how stopping to ponder the ethical dimension of an action can be
> frustrating to those who'd rather rush ahead, stop all that "hand-wringing"
> and take action, but our discussion remains valuable all the same.
> I'm confident that we'll have a chance to see the picture, as it's sure to
> be reprinted in the U.S. press sooner rather than later, but that does not
> render moot the ethical considerations. If that makes me a "sissy" so be
> it.
> Cordially,
> Doug
> At 1:40 PM 6/21/97, john wells wrote:
> >Geez. What a bunch of hand-wringing sissies.
> D O U G M I L L I S O N----->millison at
> SHOPPER: He entered shop after shop, priced nothing, spoke
> no word, and looked at all objects with a wild and vacant stare.
> --Rem Koolhaas (S,M,L,XL)
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