Dare I Ask?

Henry Musikar gravity at nicom.com
Thu Jun 26 01:20:37 CDT 1997

On 25 Jun 97 at 11:26, Peter Petto <ppetto at apk.net> wrote:

> Are there any published photographs of Melanie Jackson?
> (Just wondering.)

If she's a cutey, TRP's a very lucky guy. Nowadays, it's hard to find 
someone who's cute who enjoys Pynchon, and who will scratch your back 
<smirk> if you scratch theirs.

Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What, me worry? -- A. E. Newman

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