(Fwd) ShareFun virus info

Henry M gravity at nicom.com
Mon Mar 3 17:07:07 CST 1997

Sure. Viruses can be spread by attached files. But if there is one 
out there that sends email, as the original message in 
this thread relates, then send a copy to me. I just gotta see it!

> Date:          Mon, 3 Mar 97 17:55:30 EST
> From:          "Brett Coley" <bcoley at VNET.IBM.COM>
> To:            pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject:       Re: (Fwd) ShareFun virus info

> Sadly, this one is not a hoax.  Basically, when you open e-mail
> containing an attached MS word document, embedded macros in the document
> are "executed" when you crank up Word to read the document.  The virus
> modifies your document profile (normal.dot?) to infect subsequent
> documents you create.  Most of the anti-virus tools will catch and fix
> these macro viruses.
> Regards,
> Brett

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