NP Re: Wiener-SS-chnitzle

davemarc davemarc at
Tue Mar 4 10:54:36 CST 1997

> From: andrew at
> To: davemarc <davemarc at>
> Cc: Pynchlist <pynchon-l at>
> Subject: Re: NP Re: Wiener-SS-chnitzle
> Date: Tuesday, March 04, 1997 10:00 AM
> davemarc at writes:
> > When Jeffrey (Steelhead) St. Clair calls Spielberg "The Eichmann of
> > Ballona" and Kissinger an "American Nazi," I think of a long tradition
> > which Jews are similarly labelled as Christ-killers.  
> Well, then, clearly you are too paranoid for your own good. What are
> you, some kind of lousy stinking Jewdas? Oh there, I went and said it
> right out loud. Let's spell it out clearly shall we. David (davemarc)
> Fischer, I believe you are letting your insecurity drive your
> intellect. Jeffrey (Steelhead) St. Clair is not an anti-semite. Nor is
> Andrew (andrew) Dinn. Now can we please get off our personality
> problems (i.e. problems with each other's personalities) and get back
> to Pynchon.
For the record, I have never called Jeffrey St. Clair an anti-semite.  I
have never called Andrew Dinn an anti-semite either.  I have also never
called Spielberg and Kissinger Nazis, nor have I condoned that kind of
Secure in that knowledge,


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