Subversion from within (was: Re: whoa nellie!)

Joe Varo vjvaro at
Wed Mar 5 10:39:04 CST 1997

On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:

> [large snip]
> Isn't that ultimately the failure of hippies, punks, civil rights,
> feminists, etc, subverting from the outside and not from within?  Is
> that even possible?? 

The other day someone not on this list brought up an instance of
what he felt was subversive.  At first I thought it was the most wacked
out idea I'd heard in quite some time.  But then I got to thinking about

The idea was that Martha Stewart is actually subversive.  The logic went
like this:  

1) First of all, you've got all these middle-class women just fawning over
Martha Stewart, aspiring to live the lifestyle she creates. 

2) Now Martha Stewart knows full well that in order to create the
household she displays, throw thew parties she gives instruction for, etc,
you would have to be a full-time housewife with a humungous staff. 

3) Women try to accomplish the Martha Stewart lifestyle in their own

4) They fail abysmally.

5) They realize that the Martha Stewart lifestyle is an unattainable sham
and they go back to more important matters.

6) Thus, Martha Stewart has succeeded in subverting the bourgoise
lifestyle she personifies.

I suppose it's possible, and if so, would this be "subversion from
within"?  They way Ms. Stewart particpates in parodies of herself make me
wonder if it might not be true.

And there may even be something Pynchonian here, too.


Disclaimer: though I used females in my example, I'm sure that there may
be some men out there who idolize Martha Stewart also.

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