pyn quotes foucault?
Craig G. Bleakley
cgbleak at
Tue Mar 11 16:16:41 CST 1997
I've certainly read *around* Foucault more than I've read his stuff--some
folks praise his style, I find most translations turgid--but my limited
knowledge suggests that Mr. Varo is right in suggesting that Thanatz'
comments reflect a Foucauldian viewpoint.
Perhaps even more interestingly, Pynchon and Foucault both use the phrase
"signs and symptoms" in important, potentially compatible ways. On Page 90
of The Birth of the Clinic, F. disourses on "*signs* and *symptoms*"
(italics in original); In GR, Leni also uses the phrase when attempting to
explain what's wrong with Franz's rebuttal to astrology: "Parallel, not
series. Metaphor. Signs and symptoms. Mapping onto different coordinate
systems" (GR, P. 159). I'll leave it to more knowledgeable folk to unpack
this stuff.
According to the copyright page of The Birth of the Clinic, the French
version appeared in 1963, but this translation didn't appear until ten years
later. Any signs of an earlier trnaslation, or TRP's proficiency in french?
Or just great minds thinking alike, encountering similar signs and symptoms?
Synchronicity or conspiracy?
Craig B.
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