Thanks and a recommendation

Steven Maas (CUTR) maas at
Thu Mar 27 06:39:56 CST 1997

Thanks to:

1) Whoever it was (R. Romeo?) who posted the citation for the 2/64
American Heritage M&D article.  One of the two authors is the same A.
Hughlett Mason (no relation, he says) who transcribed and wrote an
introduction for the _Journal_.  Evidently he is (was?) a big fish in that
particular small pond.

2) Kerneels Breytenbach and Redbug for making _Mason and Dixon at the
Cape_ available webwise (

3) Whoever it was a few months ago who recommended Melvin Bukiet's
_After_, a novel about quick-study camp survivors after the end of the
war.  I haven't finished it but so far it's very interesting.

Has anyone else read Steve Stern's stories about a Jewish community in
Memphis from the 20s through modern times?  These are entertaining and
magical stories that also seem to capture their times.  Well worth a read. 

	Steve Maas

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