Dealing with doubleness

Bill Millard millard at
Thu May 1 11:42:00 CDT 1997

Hello, Steve:

> why now, on the publication of M&D, does the server choose to act up in 
> this way?  Ouspenskian nonsense?

Beats me.  There may be some malevolent P-List-loathing person out 
there -- wonder who that might be, hyeugh, hyeugh -- who's contrived 
to bounce back every message he/she gets, ad infinitum; maybe that 
address Murthy sent us all yesterday, with advice about setting up 
filters, belongs to the culprit.  Got no idea how this would happen, 
technicall; I don't know enough about the mechanics of mail servers 
to puzzle this out.  

But my hypotheses about these things remain within Age-of-Reason 
paradigms; if it partakes of matters Ouspenskian, Gurdjieffesque, 
Blavatskyoid, Deepak-Chopraic, etc., it's way off my turf.  [Cue 
'Twilight Zone' theme music here . . . . ]  All I'm sure of is that 
since I shifted my own subscription to pynchon-l-digest, confirmed 
that the digests include all the stuff from pynchon-l proper, and 
unsubb'd from pynchon-l, my own mailbox has calmed down quite a bit.  
No more duplicates, at least here.  A couple of big digests a day 
seem preferable to a couple hundred individual messages, most of 
which clone each other like Scots sheep.  Is that
doubling/tripling/quadrupling still happening on the main list?


Bill Millard, Editor
21stC: The World of Research at Columbia
millard at
fax 854-9476
online edition:

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