What goes on...?

Mike Weaver pic at gn.apc.org
Fri May 2 20:05:31 CDT 1997

Wow,  I go off for a few days,  get busy for a few more and meanwhile
back at the list all sorts of stuff comes plopping up like bubbles in hot mud.  

Firstly let me say welcome to the lister who has discovered the digest,  you
 have joined a select stream, here we divide time differently, our temporal
 bandwidth is broader, precog for us is not SF,  we are known to receive
 answers before questions, response before stimuli... recently we have been
 offered different versions *, different designs woven from the same threads. 
But Not Quite . . . what was the Significance, beyond intent or content, of
 the occasional solo submission which nestled in, clean notes among all that
 reverb? Did those posters feel the feedback or maybe they felt Passed over,
 a preterite elite,  text non repeatable?
* OWNly in aMERica 

M&D  - Can I suggest we do our disciplined best to keep the discussion at the
current low key level for as long as is necessary for the vast majority of us to
have finished and Then lets Weave as fine a tapestry of exes ploration and
 planation, obs and opinionation as the net has ever seen.  
Maybe have a number, someone keep count of the "I've/we've finished"
postings. When it hits 30, 50...???  let it rip. 

Meanwhile I propose a project.  My dubiously arrived at, but confidentially
opinion is that the p-list could set a fine example of the strength of the
over the individual by writing our own on line "book",   "Swineland"  ( my 
private working title - thinking,  y'understand, of  Bodine/Plechazunga/you're
 never alone with a ...) a tale of every (other?) day netizens momentarily
sp(ot)lit in the 
media glare,  pestered by a capitalist piglet -  about whom there are decidedly
 Mixed Feelings,   caught in a post modernist tangle of their own making while
 intent on little more than celebrating the public insubstantiality of their
 and the poetic and philosophical substanceof his writing,  (and the jokes and 
allusions too).    Who will suggest a structure--  a focus -- a tone?

Catalogued a couple of books yesterday which had mention of Phoebus that ol' 
lightbulb cartel.  One piece included a 1932 memo from a techie about the
state of
affairs re life time of bulbs.  They had it at three batteries to the bulb
but had 
agreed with the battery makers to get it down to two.   Aim was one bulb per
projected profit increase 60%. 

What am I doing sitting here wittering on toyouse all while M&D trundle round
 Pennsylvania without me??  And off I go.

A lesser spotted weavercreature

"...if you do not love Words,  how will you Love the communication?
  How will you, forgive me my Tropes, communicate the Love?" 
R. A. Lafferty

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